Nigerian Drugs Convict, Chijioke Obioha Finally Executed In Singapore

A Nigerian, Chijioke Stephen Obioha who was arrested for smuggling more than 2kg of cannabis into Singapore was executed by hanging today, Friday November 18.
A member of the Singapore Anti-Death Penalty Campaign group, Mr. Ravi who was on the case revealed this on his Facebook page.
He wrote:
“This morning, at 6am, the execution of Chijioke Stephen Obioha took place. I am not even sure if his family from Nigeria were able to attend. Soon it will be all forgotten together with Chijioke’s name, but for the many of us who fight and campaign to eradicate this barbaric practice of death by hanging, and for those of us who challenge the mandatory death penalty for drug trafficking in Singapore, our work will go on. And it must.”
Ravi later said he is making arrangements for a proper burial for the deceased.
“I’m currently arranging with the Roman Catholic Prison Ministry ( RCPM) to claim the body of Chijioke from the Singapore Prisons Service for a proper funeral in accordance with his religious beliefs.The funeral will take place either today or tomorrow depending on how soon the SPS could release the body. Will keep you posted,” he wrote.
Chijoke Stephan Obioha was a Nigerian graduate of Uniben, who went to Singapore for a football trial and was first arrested in 2007 and sentenced to death in 2008.
The Singapore Court of Appeal had dismissed an appeal filed against his death sentence


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